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  • Sunshine Basket for Averi: We will be putting together a Sunshine basket for Averi and surprise her with it for her birthday in March. She does not know we are doing this but we want her to know she is loved and ours. A Basket will be in the back of the church that just says “Sunshine”. We will be collecting items in January and February. A list of ideas are at the back table.

  • Sanctity of Life Sunday: Today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday; Jane Bosse’ has baby bottles from ABBA and will be on the table under the bulletin boards next to the mailboxes. Please consider taking a baby bottle to help support ABBA, a women’s medical pregnancy center and fill it with all your loose change or bills or check. These bottles need to be returned to Jane no later than February 16th. They can also be placed in the church office for safe keeping.

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